homophobic? maybe you’re gay
Homophobia could be caused by the repression that certain people make of their own desires The New York Times published an article in 2012 with this provocative headline linking homophobia and homosexuality. The text exposed the result of several investigations....
The part of your body that gives you away when you like something
Although we insist on not expressing our emotions, the pupils reveal part of what we feel or the mental effort we make Our looks reveal something more than enjoyment or attraction, like the mental effort in which we are immersed. There is a subtle but perceptible part...
The mind plays tricks on us (and we don’t realize it)
Start being aware that your brain is full of traps. The mind deceives us The consequences of thinking too fast. Your mind. Not everything is what it seems, the mind deceives us and we do not realize it. A simple experiment is enough to prove it. Suppose Steve is a...
Three antidotes to avoid burnout at work and not to fall into burnout
If you find it hard to get up to go to work or you feel totally worn out, you may be affected by this ailment “Burnout”. The symptoms of burnout are deep burnout, lack of enthusiasm in what is being done and the feeling of being overwhelmed by...