Having a good executive presence is vital to gain the trust of the other person.

Trust is the engine of life. Gaining the trust of others requires certain attitudes, something that is far from what sometimes happens in some companies.

Trust is the engine of life. If you get the right people to believe in you, you will easily achieve your goals. Gaining the trust of others requires certain attitudes, something that is far from what sometimes happens in some companies. I’m sure you know someone who doesn’t pay attention to the speaker at meetings because they’re hooked on their cell phone answering emails. To whoever interrupts continuously or whoever raises the tone of voice excessively. When this happens, it is difficult for the person to leave a good taste in the mouth of the person in front of him or her. Let alone gain their trust. To overcome these drawbacks, in recent years it has become fashionable to train a skill in bosses (or in those who pretend to be bosses). It is called executive presence, that is, the ability to connect with others in an authentic way.

First, we must understand how others experience being around us. Someone who has a good executive presence knows what inspires the people around them and makes them feel important. To do so, you must be empathetic, i.e., put yourself in the other person’s shoes, but without taking them with you. This situation does not mean that you lose focus of your own interests, but rather it enables you to connect with the other person’s concerns. It requires listening and banishing technology, such as cell phones or computers, if you are in someone’s presence. As a result, some organizations have begun to prohibit the use of these devices during business meetings. Trust is based on facts, not pretty words. Therefore, having a good presence means being present without losing sight of one’s objectives. It’s as simple as that.

The second step is to improve our communication skills. Leaving a good taste in the mouth is related to the way we communicate. Not only must we know how to listen, we must also use an appropriate tone of voice to address others. Raising the tone too much does not help to improve communication. Neither interrupt constantly to show that you know more than anyone else. We must listen to others’ comments respectfully and calmly, even if we don’t like them or are against them. This is why some companies are imposing simple communication rules during meetings to avoid interruptions or monopolizing too much speaking time.

Third, we must ensure that our appearance is not a distraction. When we meet someone, our mind unconsciously evaluates him or her in just a few seconds. The image we convey is our business card. Again, we need to be empathetic and dress appropriately, within our style, of course. We must avoid going out of tune, something that happened to one of my friends, a salesman in a consulting firm. This friend went one day to see a client who works for a bank with another colleague who is an expert in technology. The young man accompanying him was wearing very casual clothes, including a black T-shirt of a hard rock band that could have scared any old lady on the street. His client, meanwhile, was immaculately dressed and wore an expensive tie. My friend told me that his client kept looking at his companion’s shirt and that it took “a lot of effort” to get him to trust his technical judgment.

Maybe the client was prejudiced or perhaps old-fashioned, but there is no doubt that having a good executive presence is vital to gain the other person’s trust. To do this, we must be empathetic with who we have in front of us, especially if you want to get something from them. In short, when we train our executive presence, we get a good response from the person in front of us. This is possible if we work on our attitudes, our communication and our appearance in an empathetic and professional way.